Why Do Cats Knead?
Kneading, also known as “making biscuits,” is a common cat behavior that involves pushing their paws into a soft surface, alternating between their left and right paws. This behavior is often seen as a sign of happiness and comfort, but it has deeper roots in a cat’s kittenhood.
Kneading is thought to originate from the time when kittens would knead their mother's belly to stimulate milk flow. This behavior is then carried into adulthood, and is often done in moments where a cat is feeling comfortable and safe.
Cats usually knead on soft objects, such as blankets, their humans, or pillows. They often purr, drool or are happy while doing it.
Understanding Kneading
- Comfort and Security: It’s a reminder of a cat’s days as a kitten.
- Marking Territory: Cats may knead to mark their territory with scent glands on their paws.
- Relaxation and Contentment: Kneading is generally a behavior displayed when a cat is at ease.
- Bed Preparation: Cats may knead surfaces to make them softer before resting.
Next time your cat starts to knead on you or your things, enjoy the moment knowing that they see you as a source of comfort and love!